If you had the chance to save millions of lives from a horrible death, would you?
Imagine you are living in Nazi Germany, where Hitler has taken power and is deporting all the “subhumans” to concentration camps. You reflect on the culture mantality of cleansing the “master race” and bringing about the change where there will be no more impurities, diseases, or suffering. But what is necessary to bring about this change? The answer: the death of 12 million innocent men, women, and children.
Welcome to America as it is today. Millions of children are being killed by America’s hidden holocaust, abortion, and people, including our spiritual leaders, are more concerned about saving animals and the enviroment. Our radically pro-abortion President Barack Hussein Obama has promised to sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) into law. The FOCA is the next step in advancing the slaughter of the innocents in this legalized massacre called abortion. The Freedom of Choice Act will require all hospitals, including Catholic hospitals, to perform abortions upon request. If this happens, the Catholic Bishops vow to close down all Catholic hospitals - more then 30% of all hospitals in the U.S. . The FOCA will allow the gruesome procedure of Partial birth abortion to be legal and have no limitations. Also, all U.S. taxpayers will be forced to fund abortions through their tax dollars. Parental notification of abortions of young girls will no longer be required (regardless of age). If signed into law, the estimated number of the increase in abortions may exceed 100,000 annually. FOCA would also give the government control in the issue of abortion, which could result in future amendments like Communist China’s one-child-policy.
Though the future of the prolife movement may look bleak, we can draw inspiration from the story of a woman who selflessly dedicated herself from saving lives. From the Associated Press, May 12 2008:
Warsaw, Poland - Irena Sendler – a Polish social worker who helped save some
2,500 Jewish children from the Nazis by smuggling them out of the Warsaw Ghetto
and giving them false identities - has died. She was 98....Born in Warsaw,
Sendler served as a social worker with the city's welfare department,
masterminding the risky rescue operations of Jewish children from the Warsaw
Ghetto during Nazi Germany's brutal World War II occupation....
Records show
that Sendler's team of some 20 people saved nearly 2,500 children from the
Warsaw Ghetto between October 1940 and April 1943, when the Nazis burned the
ghetto, shooting the residents or sending them to death camps.
In hopes of one day uniting the children with their families - most of whom perished in the Nazis' death camps - Sendler wrote the children's real names on slips of paper that she kept at home.When German police came to arrest her in 1943, an assistant managed to hide the slips, which Sendler later buried in a jar under an apple tree in an associate's yard. Some 2,500 names were recorded."It took a true miracle to save a Jewish child,” said Elzbieta Ficowska, who was saved by Sendler's team as a baby in 1942, "Mrs. Sendler saved not only us, but also our children and grandchildren and the generations to come."
And what about the 50 million aborted babies since Roe vs. Wade? What about their missing children and grandchildren? We will never be able to estimate the impact their deaths have caused.
If we don’t get involved in the fight for life now what will be the future of tomorrow?
“If a mother can kill her unwanted child, why can’t the child kill her unwanted mother?” - Rev. Father Pavone. If we allow the killing of an innocent baby how long will it be before we start killing anyone else who is an inconvenience. Our generation must wake up and speak up before it is too late. Yet, we have reason to hope for the victory is already won. Christ has conquered death but will you and I be deemed worthy to reap the reward? As it says in the book of James,” Faith without works is dead.” We must summit ourselves to God’s will and do our part to end abortion. The following is an inspirational quote from the late Henry Hyde. “…God will look at you and say not, "Did you succeed?" but "Did you try?"'