Sunday, May 17, 2009

Notre Dame Scandal

"The fort is betrayed even of them that should have defended it." - St. John Fisher

After my mother saw the holy pro-life Fr. Westlin (yes, a Catholic priest!) get arrested at Notre Dame Friday - on a video from Jill Stanek's website- my (cool!) mother wanted to drive to Notre Dame as soon as possible. Thus, we arrived there on Saturday afternoon.

Outside the main entrance to the campus stood about 50-100 Pro-Lifers. There were at least 15 of us on each corner.

The Pro-Life plane was flying above us all day Sat. & Sunday.The "Truth Trucks" were out in full force too! Awesome drivers!

"A nation that kills it's own children is a nation WITHOUT HOPE" - Pope John Paul II

"Our tax $ funding abortions world wide - Mexico City Policy"

Prayer warriors! I took this picture while I was kneeling on the corner holding a Malachi sign with my sister. :)We decided to spend the night rather then driving back and forth from IL to South Bend. Anyway, we went to a rally with Dr. Keyes shortly after he was released from jail Sat. night. Mr. Randall Terry and Dr. Monica Miller also spoke and we saw Jill Stanek.

We ended our day with Eucharistic adoration with Bishop D'Arcy back on Notre Dame's campus.
Sunday- We found Fr.Pavone and attended the ND Response (on Campus) Outdoor Mass.

Walking back from Mass we wittnessed two arrests, one, the lady in white. While being escorted the second person, a man, said "Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!"

The Pro-Life plane hovering over Notre Dame Grads!

Unfortunatly we didn't get the chance to protest with the Pro-Life Action League instead we stayed at the Main gate (Angela and Notre Dame Dr.) for most of the day.

Sunday night we went to a another gathering with Fr. Corapi and Dr. Keyes.
Here is some of the video I took:

There may have been other speakers but we had to get home. It was a great ending to a busy week!
Jill Stanek has great posts on the protests on her website too!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

May Crowning/Happy Mother's Day!

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Holy Mary,
pray for us! Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our
death. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation! Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for
us! ~Aspiration to Mary By St. Alphonsus Liguori


Happy Mother's Day to all our "Earthly Mothers"...especially my Mother! I love you!

Video of the Week

Friday, May 1, 2009

Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest Meets with Holy Father

At a Wednesday audience in early April, Monsignor Wach presented Reverend
Mother Mary of the Love of God of the Adorers of the
Royal Heart
to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. The other Sisters Adorers of
the Royal Heart were also present. Engaging the Reverend Mother in conversation
for several minutes, the Holy Father graciously granted the Apostolic Blessing
upon our young and ever-growing community of Sisters, as well as upon all
members of the Institute and the faithful of its apostolates.

See the pictures here.