Just got back from the March for Life in DC! An estimated 300,000 people marched!
We arrived in at our hotel in DC on Wednesday, the 21st at 6:00pm. My mom drove for 14 hours!
On Thursday we took the subway to the National Basilica to attend a Latin Mass. While we were at the Basilica we saw Fr. Captiverti (sp). We met him in Alabama about 4 years ago when we stalked Fr. Pavone and the members of Priests for Life.
After mass we ran to the hotel and saw Fr. Jarrod McCambridge from the Fraternity of St. Peter. We met Father when he was a Seminarian doing a Face the Truth Tour in Aurora, Illinois about five years ago - that was our first Face the Truth Tour. It was so good to see him and get a blessing!
Then we walked to the National Mall. There were great graphic displays along the way.
Surprisingly we found some friends from home and Fr. Hellmann of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Fr. Hellmann got transferred from the Shrine of Christ the King in Chicago to a church in New Jersey. He brought about 50 people to the march from his church.
We saw Fr. Trigilio while marching.
When we got to the Supreme Court building we listened to some "Silent No More" testimonies and saw Br. Pio and Fr. Mark from EWTN. My sister got "interviewed" so we might see her on Life on the Rock next week - not. 
Then I got a picture with the great pro-lifer, Mr. Randall Terry. Bad hair day!

We got back to our hotel room around 6 and then went to the "Rose Dinner." Unfortunately none of the pictures I took at the dinner turned out. My pictures of Fr. Pavone are pretty blurry, eh?
the march so ROCKED!!!!!!!
Dude the march was AWESOME!!
Cool you had the opportunity to go!
I found you on the Read My Lipstick Network (of which I'm now a member). I've subscribed to your blog and would just like to invite you to check my blog out - http://caffeinatedthoughts.com
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