Monday, October 27, 2008

Campaign Tricks and Treats

Distribute campaign literature - wrapped around a piece of candy - to your trick-or-treaters.

When I did this last it was for a Constitution Party candidate who we were enthusiastically supporting and trying to publicize.

This year, for our pro-life candidate running for Congress against a pro-abortion, atheist, scientist, I might use this beguiling catchphrase:

"Don't vote for a mad scientist,

Vote Oberweis for Congress!"

What do you think? Any suggestions?

As my mom says – or might say, "It's for the kids."

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Video of the Week

Video of the Week

Obama's Teleprompter.......

Monday, October 20, 2008

Video of the Week

Video of the Week for the third week of October:

Sarah Palin on SNL:" id="W4727a250e66f972348fcbaff0592dd5d" width="384" height="283">" />

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The closer we get to election day the more nervous I get.

This afternoon I made 40 calls "on behalf of the McCain/Palin Campaign." I really urge everyone to do it. It is very simple; go to Senator McCain's website to sign up, click on "call voters" and wala, the script and phone numbers are there!

I choose to call voters in Wisconsin instead of Illinois because we are a hopeless corrupt state.

Some of the numbers were disconnected and I left messages on some machines but the good news is; most of the people I talked to said they were supporting McCain!

A friend : ) sent me this quote from Abraham Lincoln; "Elections belong to the people. It is their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters."

Keep praying, fasting and hoping!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I shook hands with...

Sorry for the delay in writing this but, better late then never!

Thursday, October 2, we took a trip up to Waukesha, Wisconsin to see Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin. We went even though we did not have tickets to get in the Town Hall meeting but figured we could evangelize in our "Truth Mobile"- which has "Obama Voted 3 times to KILL babies born alive" written all over it:

When we were parking near the Complex, the first person we saw was a protester who had a sign that said "Bush S*** McCain McSame" but when we saw that, we grabbed our "Baby Malachi" sign -which had "Obama"written over it, our "Stop the Real War, abortion" sign and the beloved Obama mask.

As we were walking over to the center, a black pedestian read our signs and beating his chest he said "Obama." Isn't that strange?

Anyway, we finally arrived at our destination and scared the protesters (who were directly across the street from the long line of republicans waiting to get in the building) with the Malachi sign. Our pro-life friend Sally who met us up there asked around for extra tickets and got enough for all of us.

While we we were waiting in line with our tickets -we were the last ones in line- the McCain "Straight Talk express" bus pulled up. We were going to wait for McCain and Palin to come out but it was our last chance to get into the building so we went in.

In the Town Hall meeting - we barley got in the door -the questions the people asked were great and so were the answers. Right before Palin's ending remarks, we ran out near the bus to get a glimpse at McCain and Palin. After waiting for about five minutes the Secret Service and Police came out and did a security check. Then, the crowed started to Cheer and there was McCain!

Here is the video, (caution, it is loud):

Video of the Week

Sorry, I have really busy the past few weeks!

Video of the Week #1 for the first AND second weeks of October:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I am so happy and excited with this great news that Dixi is allowing me to do a post on it!
The Great news is that the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, already a Society of Apostolic Life, has now been granted the status of a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right. Which means that the Institute is now under the direct supervisory control of the Holy Father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise God!!!!!!!!! The Institute is well known for having cordial relations with the Bishops in the dioceses where they operate, so in many ways this change will not be immediately apparent. Yet it does provide a measure of independence from certain possible situations where the boundaries of diocesan control are otherwise not well-understood. This is the same canonical footing that the Holy See has granted to other traditionalist societies, and is a recognition by the Holy See of the Great work and standing of the Institute worldwide!!!

Here is the announcement from the Institute's French homepage in an NLM translation:

In the twentieth year of its existence the Institute of Christ the King
Sovereign Priest, installed in fifty dioceses all over the world, numbering more
than fifty priests, seventy seminarians, and the Sister Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest, has the immense joy and the honour to announce
to you its elevation to Pontifical Right, as society of Apostolic life in canonical form,
according to the will of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.
Thanks to Saint Loius Catholic for the link!

Here is also a more detailed announcement on the American website of the Institute :

With deepest gratitude to the Blessed Trinity, to Christ Our King, and His
Immaculate Mother, to St. Joseph, to St. Michael the Archangel, to our patron
saints, to the entire court of heaven, and with filial thankfulness to our Holy
Father Pope Benedict XVI and his faithful collaborators, we have the joy to
announce a very important event:His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI On the feast day of Our Lady, Queen of the Holy Rosary, the Vice-President of the Commission Ecclesia Dei, Very Reverend Monsignor Camille Perl, has read in our Seminary chapel the official decree by which, in the name of the Holy Father, the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest was erected to the status of a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right. Also our Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus received
the status of Pontifical Right. The Decree was signed by His Eminence Dario
Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos. A Solemn Te Deum followed the
reading of the Decree.Born out of a profound union with the Holy Father in Rome
and the Institute's founder and members having always lived in a continuous and unwavering spirit of faithful Romanitas, the Institute was granted the Pontifical Right after the formal time of experience and interrogation which is a traditional custom for the Holy See. Various positive Apostolic Visitations conducted by the Roman Curia and a very favorable consultation of all the Most Reverend Bishops in whose Dioceses we are invited to serve have finalized this canonical process.After this affirmative
evaluation of our spirituality and our international presence and work, the
Pontifical Right is an expression of the appreciation of the service of the
Institute of Christ the King by the Roman Pontiff and his collaborators to whom
we are deeply obliged. The Pontifical Right will make it even easier for the
Institute to conduct its service for the Church according to its constitutions
and gives to Monsignor the Prior General rights and duties that are in unison

God Bless the Institute!!!
We are so happy for them!

H/T: St. Louis Catholic

Posted by: Margaret Marie

In Case you are not familiar with the Institute please check out their beautiful website:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Vote for your favorite "Video of the Week" for the month of September!

Please use the poll on the left to cast your vote!

Week #1 - "Eight Reasons Why I Don't Share My Faith:"

Week #2 - "Barack Obama '57 States:'"

Week #3 - "Barack's Roll:"

Week #4 - "Barack Obama: He Completes Us:"