Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I hope everyone had a very enjoyable summer. I know I did. However, I'm still not sure what the ultimate highlight is.
My family participated in the Pro-Life Action League's Annual Face the Truth Tour all seven days. (Mostly mom and the kids, I was absent for only two days :() I would have to say as an overall it was a very successful tour. I hardly wittnessed any negativity; NOT ONE person got out of their car to "yell" at me. On the contrary, we got many positive honks, "God Bless You!", and a few thumbs up now and then.
A few weeks after the actual week tour, we participated in the Rockford solo-day tour. Let's just say that Rockford has a much more zealous and vocal pro-abortion presence and it deserves it's own little paragraph. A few years ago, the very first time my family took part in this stop, my little brother got some kind of metal thrown at him. This time it was my turn! I GOT A GATORADE bottle thrown at me! Let it be known: when pro-abortion people insult me, it only makes me happy!
The Truth suffers but never dies. ~ St. Theresa of AvilaAnother "FUN!" thing we did was go BLUEBERRY PICKING! I had been wanting to ever since we did the first time, about a decade ago. So, last minute us girls drove 3 hours to go bluberry picking out of state! (The directions esimated two hours, but I think it took at least four just to get there) It was worth it though, in my opinion! We picked for about an hour or two and came back home with about thirteen pounds of blueberries, silly pictures, a good hilarious video of mom (that I'm not aloud to show anyone) and some great memories.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Take a Stand for Free Speech!
A pro-life man, Joe Holland, was unjustly arrested for praying outside a Chicago Planned Parenthood Abortion facility on July 3, 2010. He is accused of violating the city's new "Bubble Zone" Ordinance.
According to the Thomas Moore Society, legally representing the pro-lifer:
"The "Bubble Zone" ordinance prohibits approaching within eight feet of a person, without consent, "for the purpose of passing a leaflet or handbill to, displaying a sign to, or engaging in oral protest, education, or counseling." According to witnesses and available video, Holland was engaged solely in prayer activity and not in leafletting, picketing or "sidewalk counseling." Video of Holland's alleged disorderly conduct can be viewed here"
Please sign this petition to Mayor Daley to DROP THE CHARGES against Joe Holland!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Happy Memorial Day!
Fortunately all 15 parts are on YouTube!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
United in faith...
My little sister had a her tonsils and adenoids removed yesterday. We share a room. So, while she recovers, she tries not to laugh too loudly (and hard - for it hurts her to laugh) at old Dick Van Dyke episodes. She also keeps me up to date with all the latest news on blogs she visits.
But, with tonight's news (and the thought of Mr. GQ crying), we are crying our eyes out! My nose is so "stuffed up" I can't sleep! :)
On Monday we said our last good-byes to a very dear friend of ours.
Let's start at the very beginning!...A very good place to start!
- A Church Picnic - Summer 2008 -
We met this special young lady about two summers ago. We were at one of the summer picnics of the Shrine of Christ the King in Chicago. She was one of the "Dazzo" family. There they were eating their favorite: Panera Bread. After we ate I started playing catch, with a softball, with the oldest girl, "Jo Jo" - while some of her seven siblings played soccer with my mere three. Yes, that is my first memory of my dear friend who I will respectively call "JoJo Dazzo" for this post.
Anyway, as we talked with Mrs. Lady Modesty and her daughter, that very day, we discovered my sister and Jo Jowere both interested in the religious life. Particularly...with the Sister Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest (take a breath!) - whose Motherhouse is located in Italy.
Before we knew it there was the "Going Away Party" and then the day they left.
Both girls enjoyed their week visit immensely; it was defiantly a life changing experience for them as it seems they came home with a deeper love of Christ and this particular Order of nuns.
But, happy news came just a month ago; she would be joining the Sister Adorers' newest Convent in
St. Louis this (past - yesterday) May 12, 2010!
Fortunately, we had time to say our good-byes at a party last Monday. My family had planned to visit JoJo at the end of May while we were visiting family in the Southern Illinois/St. Louis area. Therefore, we were able to hold back some tears. {But not all ;-)}
But tonight. Great news for JoJo, but sad news for us! Tonight, we read the latest news on Mrs. Lady Modesty's blog.., Jo Jowill be leaving for Italy very soon to start her formation. We will not be seeing her as we planned. We will not be seeing her for a long time...
My sister has already made a beautiful tribute to her dearest friend here...
~Pray for me, as I will for thee, so that we may merrily meet in Heaven.~
God willing, we will meet again on this earth... but being so far away... prayer will be the only thing uniting us for now.
I will never forget you, JoJo!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tighten Up!
I have not been blogging all together because of many little things. But, I did get a job! It's the best job I could wish for right now! I'm the chief executive assistant, only assistant, at a little Catholic Book store near my house. I work about once or twice a week. It's awesome!
Anyway, I get really nice customers and there are also those who pass by the shop and give us "the look" or say "A Catholic thanks!" But, funner than that, we get those people who come in to debate. My employers are always "faithful to the magisterium" and when someone comes in the Holy Ghost sure inspires them! So, my first encounter...
...was an older woman. She came in through the coffee store next door (!) and asked "is this Episcopal?" I said, "No, we're a Catholic store." Then, that's when it started! "Oh, you know, some people need to loosen up. Have you heard about the Episcopals? They now have a woman bishop,and she's a lesbian!" (how progressive!) I of course went into the "if Jesus wanted woman priests, why wouldn't He have made the most perfect women of all, His Immaculate Mother, the first woman priest?" But, she just ignored it and said something about the church being run by men. All I could say would be, "well, the Church has lasted this long...I don't think we're going to start changing now!" But, when you get down to it, I wish I told her that some people just need to "tighten" up. While the Pope is infaliible, there are those in the Church and schools who are confusing people!
Let's look at Fr. Pfleger on the southside of Chicago. We see this man using the his holy priesthood to preach hate.
Hold on tight, I'm shifting gears here!
So, what do we faithful do when the Heirarchy of the Catholic church in America refuse to do anything about this man and then have the audacity to reward him?!
Yes, Cardinal George/the Archdiocese of Chicago presented Fr. Pfleger the “racial justice lifetime achievement award”
Well, here's my suggestion. (With help from my wonderful mother) Let's pray for Cardinal Francis George to live up to his obligations. Of course, prayer without works is dead, so let's write to him and beg him to admonish the sinner, invoke the Church's Laws to deny pro-abortion politicians the Holy Sacrament, Canon 915. To instruct the ignorant is a Corporal work of mercy and all of us have the duty to correct the clergy when the go asstry says St. Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologica part 2 qeustion 33.
Also, the Archdiocese is conducting a survey that you may take part in here.
God Bless!
Friday, February 5, 2010
March for Life 2010!
What is the March?
Late in October 1973, grassroots prolife leaders became concerned that January 22, 1974, might come and go without properly memorializing the Supreme Court's infamous abortion decisions and without petitioning Congress for redress.And it has been taking place every year while getting bigger every year! Nowadays, we march from the National Mall up Constitution Ave. to the Supreme Court. But, that being said, the March still gets less than little media attention.
No established right-to-life organization was prepared to undertake the planning, financial and operational responsibilities for a high impact prolife March on the U.S. Capitol. But, grassroots prolifers wanted to march! About thirty prolife veterans resolved themselves into a committee and began making plans for the first March for Life.
On January 22, 1974, the first March for Life was held on the West Steps of the Capitol.
So, even if the media did cover it, I'm sure you would want to hear of my first hand experience anyway. This year I was so fortunate to go to the March with my sister by way of three buses from SJC Church in Chicago and some very energetic teens - and Canons. (Yes, our bus was dubbed the "boring bus") A very SAINTLY Brother orchestrated the entire trip and we are so grateful to him for welcoming us into his group!
Again, the actual march. Brother C gave the group a nice spiel about screaming. So, I think our group was the loudest there. As we walked we tried to do the "We love babies yes we do, We love babies how about you?!" chant with the other people. As we finally stopped along the march route, a Franciscan priest who was near a "Catholic University" sign seemed to join us.
Even though I've been to DC before, I had no idea where we were most of the time. There were people everywhere. Signs everywhere. We were packed together like sardines.
Then, the actual march started. The long banner passed. Then the "Silent No More" women with their powerful "I regret my abortion" signs.
Our family had made a "Free the ND 88" sign for us two girls to carry during the March. With all the people surrounding us and a lack of coridination skills, we gave up carrying it during the March. But, when we finally made it to the Supreme Court building, we pulled it out. And guess what University just happened to pass as we had it out? Yep, ND! Perfect! Another man actually took our picture and told us his wife is one of the 88. He thinks Fr. Jenkins will drop the charges but is not sure why he has not already.
So, we arrived at the Supreme Court steps and chanted for a while. The police blocked off both sidewalks on either side of the street and would not let us stand along the fences. So, we tried to stand off to the side. Once again, Br. Chad lead us in some pro-life chants and some Traditional Catholic songs. St. John Cantius has a magnificent choir, by the way, so it was beautiful!
Oh, and we saw some friends while we were there. Another highlight of our trip! ;-)
Our group did not leave until the March ended. (Which means the last of the Marchers passed the Supreme Court)
After dinner we went to do some touring. This is where the coolest story comes in.
I've been in contact with a fellow blogger, Little Mary for a while. We never really met so it was a rather awkward friendship.
So, while we were at the Lincoln Memorial, I happened to see this girl who looked really familiar. (I had seen her picture around) It was Little Mary! We both let out a screech in the monument. We never planned on meeting; it was truly an act of Providence!
Overall, the March is always an uplifting experience. Marching with thousands of people who share your most sacred views. People who are willing to defend life.
There is always the hope that "Roe vs. Wade may be overturned by next year." Some say that "there might not have to be a next year." Even if that is the case, I do not think the March should end. We should never forget all those who have been killed, hurt by abortion nor the joy that every life brings!
Monday, January 4, 2010
The Three Kings Were Late Too...
Happy Eleventh Day of Christmas! It's still the Christmas season, thank goodness! It seems like we just put up our tree yesterday but in reality, we put it up a month ago already! I hope you all had a Very Merry Christmas and have a wonderful New Year! Hey! This is my first post of 2010!
The picture was taken in Aurora, Illinois, where on Lehnertz Ave., the whole block displays the Christmas Story. The Nativity is on the end of the block. The people have been doing this for 50 something years and my dad has childhood memories of going there. Hopefully the tradition will last as our secular society becomes more hostile towards Christmas!