Fr. Z once posted that...
"Quantuor Tempora" meaning four times a year. The Ember Day fasts would take place four times a year - with the change of the season.
Missionaries and fusion cuisine! Awesome! find me some authentic Tempura by next Ember Days...
[H/T: Constance]
In the 16th c. Spanish and Portuguese missionaries settled in Nagasaki, Japan. From their interest in inculturation and out of sensitivity for the ways of the people, they tried to make meatless meals for Embertide, which is a fast time. They started deep-frying shrimp. The Japanese ran with and developed it to perfection. This is “tempura,” again from the Latin term for the Ember Days"Quatuor Tempora".
"Quantuor Tempora" meaning four times a year. The Ember Day fasts would take place four times a year - with the change of the season.
Missionaries and fusion cuisine! Awesome! find me some authentic Tempura by next Ember Days...
[H/T: Constance]