Hello there blog!
Lot's has happened since I last posted any personal stuff.
I graduated highschool...
And now I am already in my second semester of Community College.
Time is flying even faster than before.
I've been meaning to post for a while. Especially about college stuff.
The first reason being I started a pro-life club on Campus. Mostly with God's help, of course. But I should be recording my experiences more because great things have been happening.
And the second reason is because I'm studying Culinary Arts.
Last semester I mostly studied and made soups and sauces. They were tough. Especially getting the right "viscocity" or consistancy. (Note: the right consistancy is nappe - able to drag a line across the back of the spoon.) I hope I'll be able to share more about what I've learned.
This semester we've been identifying (not blindfolded yet) milks, cheeses, and fruits. Next week we'll be discussing eggs.
So. Here we go. Let's see how long it will be for me to post again!