Sunday, September 28, 2008

Video of the Week #4

Video of the week #4

[H/T: HotAir]

Brewer Shirt

On our way home from Wisconsin today we listened to the end of the Brewer vs. Cub game.

We are big fans of the Brewer's Catholic Pitcher, Jeff Suppan.

When we got home my mom made this shirt contrary to the Cub's "W" shirt :

I do admitt I did go to one Cub game this year but there was a rain delay and the Cub's lost.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Campaign Trip

Who's up for a road trip?!

We're going to Wisconsin, a crucial state in this election, to spread the truth about Barack Hussein Obama's despicable voting record; denying babies who survive abortion medical treatment.

Our plan is:
  • Sunday, September 28th, 10:00 mass at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church: 524 W. Historic Mitchell Street, Milwaukee, WI, 53204. After attending mass we will leaflet for about 20 minutes after mass.

If anyone is interested in going or has any ideas for literature, please let me know!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


From Times Online September 17th:

Christian and other religious groups opposed to abortion were
allowed to advertise on Google for the first time from today, after the search engine capitulated in the face of a legal challenge.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Alabama Trip

Early Friday morning we left for a last minute trip to the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama for the Institute of Christ the King's Tridentine High Mass there on Sunday. We had a wonderful prayerful time and a safe trip. We kept all of you in our prayers and thank you to all who prayed for us!

Visit with Sr. Mary Cecilia of Jesus Crown of Virgins

Fr. Talarico after mass on Sunday

Brother Pio gave us another tour at the Network : )
We walked the grounds of the new Grotto

A lizard!

Video of the WeekS (2 and 3)

The video for this week, video #3:

Video of the Week 2 Replacement

A favorite reader just pointed out to me that Whoopi Goldberg, the nun in the Sister Act, the previous Video of the Week, is an avid Planned Parenthood supporter. I also found a LifeSite News Article stating: " 'The View' co-host
Whoopi Goldberg, a long-time member of the Planned Parenthood board of advisors, attacked McCain on his saying he would appoint judges who wouldn't make up the law from the bench."

The video below is a replacement of the Sister Act clip:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Have You Forgotten?

By: Darryl Worley

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Instute of Christ the King to Celebrate Mass Live on EWTN

On Sunday, September 14th, members of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest will celebrate a Solemn High Mass at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration in Hanceville, Alabama. The conventual Mass will be broadcast live by EWTN, the Global Catholic Network, to a worldwide audience of 140 million homes, through TV, radio, and live streaming video online.

September 14th marks the first anniversary of the implementation of Pope Benedict XVI's motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum" [PDF]. The Solemn High Mass will be in commemoration of, and thanksgiving for, this pivotal document of His Holiness, which confirms that the Latin Rite in its ancient form as presented in the 1962 liturgical books of the Roman Catholic Church was never abrogated and is available to all priests and all faithful who desire it.

The live broadcast from Our Lady of the Angels Monastery will take place at 8:00 AM Eastern Time USA, 14:00 Central European Time, 12:00 UTC.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Video of the Week 2

Update: This video has been replaced. A favorite reader pointed out to me that Whoopi Goldberg, the nun in the Sister Act, is an avid Planned Parenthood supporter. I also found a LifeSite News Article stating: " 'The View' co-host Whoopi Goldberg, a long-time member of the Planned Parenthood board of advisors, attacked McCain on his saying he would appoint judges who wouldn't make up the law from the bench."

Each week I choose a random video for my readers.

At the end of each month I will hold a poll to find out which video you, enjoyed the most!


Hail Holy Queen - from the movie Sister Act

Happy Birthday Mr. Scheidler!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Obama $upporter Attempts to Run Stage During Palin's Speech

(Picture from the Assoicated Press ("Plain: not a woman's choice")
The Washington Post and Free Republic Report:

One of Barack Obama's elite fundraisers from the anti-American group Code
attempted to storm the stage last night during Republican vice presidential
nominee Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's acceptance speech at the GOP convention in
St. Paul.

Jodie Evans, one of a group of about 500 top financiers who have bundled tens of thousands of dollars for the Obama campaign was seized by the Secret Service after she had made her way to side of the stage and and started to yell at Palin.

10:45 p.m. A pair of Code Pink activists just got to the very edge of the
stage and were a moment away from apparently running on stage, right by the
Kentucky slot on the floor next to a host of McCain's most senior staffers.

Secret Service men grabbed them at last minute and literally dragged them
out.--Paul Kane

Evans has bundled between $50,000 and $100,000 for Obama as well as
contributing the maximum $2300 to Obama's presidential primary campaign
She co-hosted Obama's breakout Hollywood fundraiser at the start of his campaign in February 2007.

As a bundler, Evans has been given perks that include regular briefings by
top campaign staffers on policy and private meetings with Obama and his vice
presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Abortion: the Ultimate Child Abuse...

Since when do liberal feminists care about children?

Besides hating her because of her pro-life views and panicking over her increasing popularity, could the liberal media be jealous of Sarah Palin?

The fact once again comes down to abortion; the ultimate child abuse. Our country has killed 50 million babies since 1973 and a statistic shows that 90% of downs-syndrome babies are aborted. That being said, how many women are regretting their abortions and are seeing the great example of Governor Palin, having a great love for her children by sacrificing her life for their future...