Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tribute to a Hero

...On Saturday we went to Chicago for a dinner in honor of the great hero/founder of the Pro-Life Action League Mr. Joseph Scheidler! Before the actual dinner we joined the "Crusaders" of St. John Cantius (Br. Chad!) and marched over to the hotel with huge yellow "LIFE" balloons. The plan was to give Mr. Scheidler a "hollywood style" welcome (thus the sunglasses and prom dresses), not only because Mr. Scheidler is so awesome, but also because earlier in the week we got word that the pro-choicers were going to protest the dinner from outside. Because of security, we didn't get to be too close to the actual entrance to the hotel, so we rolled out the "red carpet" a little bit a away from the hotel's entrance. After he walked across the carpet, Mr. Scheidler stayed outside on the streets with his pro-life stop sign and stood with the Crusaders across the street from the "pro-choicers." I went inside with my Mom, Constance, and some of our Crusader friends who were going to the dinner, so we unfortunately missed that action. The rest of the Crusaders went on to walk around town singing pro-life chants during the dinner.

So, here's the jolly, happy as a hobbit video:

In his delightful way, Mr. Scheidler often says pro-life people are the happiest people. We are happy becuase we know we are doing the Lord's work. The pro-choicers are so full of hate that during the dinner they slashed the tires of the cars of the pro-lifers in the hotel parking lot. (The cars had pro-life bumbper stickers.) You can read a post in which they admit this here.

Mr. Scheidler has dedicated himself to the pro-life movement. For over 30 years he has been out on the streets protesting and showing America the gruesome reality of abortion. He's sacrificed jobs, was brought in front of the Supereme court by NARAL, sacrificed his home, he was even black balled by pro-life organizations for showing the truth. As mentioned countless times throughout Saturday evening, the pro-life movement would not be as strong as it is today if it was not for Mr. Scheidler. He
is truly the "Father of the Pro-life Movement" and my hero! It was an honor to be at his tribute dinner!

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